Hilary Duff的丈夫Matthew Koma为回应Kanye West的反异教评论, 释放了“F**k Ye”衬衫。 Matthew Koma, Hilary Duff's husband, releases "F**k Ye" shirts in response to Kanye West's antisemitic comments.
希拉里·杜夫的丈夫马修·科马(Matthew Koma)发表了“F**k Ye”T恤衫。 Matthew Koma, husband of Hilary Duff, has released "F**k Ye" t-shirts in response to Kanye West's controversial and antisemitic comments. 随着Shopify决定停止处理West的商品销售,他的人才经纪人放弃了他. The release follows Shopify's decision to stop handling sales of West's merchandise and his talent agent dropping him. Koma的举动引起了人们的注意和讨论,因为许多人由于他最近的行动而与西方隔绝。 Koma's move has sparked attention and discussion, as many are distancing themselves from West due to his recent actions.