希拉里·达芙 (Hilary Duff) 的丈夫马修·科马 (Matthew Koma) 开玩笑地发布了情人节悼念信息。 Matthew Koma, Hilary Duff's husband, playfully posted Valentine's Day tribute.
希拉里·达芙的丈夫马修·科马在社交媒体上发布了有趣的情人节致敬照片。 Matthew Koma, the husband of Hilary Duff, posted amusing Valentine's Day tribute photos on social media. 他分享了达芙在海滩和海洋中与她过去的各种男人的照片,开玩笑地感谢他们多年来将她从危险的海洋中拯救出来。 He shared images of Duff on the beach and in the ocean with various men from her past, jokingly thanking them for saving her from dangerous oceans throughout the years. 达夫回复了这篇轻松的帖子,评论道:“你真的病了。 Duff responded to the lighthearted post with a comment saying, "You are truly ill. 马修。” Matthew."