加纳撤销了最近因据称违规行为而任命的公职,引发政治辩论。 Ghana revokes recent public appointments due to alleged irregularities, sparking political debate.
加纳参谋长朱利叶斯·德布拉(Julius Debrah)以违规行为和缺乏正当程序为由,撤销了2024年12月7日之后的所有公共服务任命。 Ghana's Chief of Staff, Julius Debrah, has revoked all public service appointments made after December 7, 2024, citing irregularities and a lack of due process. 反对派人士和法律挑战对撤销选举提出质疑,认为他们出于政治动机,违反宪法。 Opposition figures and legal challenges contest the revocations, arguing they are politically motivated and violate the constitution. 政府捍卫这一举动,强调透明和善政。 The government defends the move, emphasizing transparency and good governance.