加纳撤销了Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah教授的NIA任命,突然取代了他。 Ghana revokes Professor Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah's NIA appointment, replacing him abruptly.
加纳政府已撤销Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah教授担任国家身份查验管理局执行秘书的任命, The Ghanaian government has revoked Professor Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah's appointment as Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority (NIA) and asked him to hand over to William Kwaku Deku. Attafuah于2024年11月正式退休, This move is confusing as Attafuah officially retired in November 2024. Attafuah的任职期间,国家投资管理局转变为一个服务驱动实体,重点是为加纳人提供独特的身份。 Attafuah's tenure saw the NIA transform into a service-driven entity focused on providing unique identities for Ghanaians. 政府的决定背后的原因不明确。 The reasons behind the government's decision are unclear.