西班牙前足球官员Luis Rubiales因接吻运动员Jenni Hermoso未经同意在2023年后世界杯获胜而面临审判。 Former Spanish soccer official Luis Rubiales faces trial for kissing player Jenni Hermoso without consent post-2023 World Cup win.
西班牙前足球联合会主席鲁维亚莱斯(Luis Rubiales)因涉嫌在西班牙赢得2023年妇女世界杯后未经同意与西班牙运动员Jenni Hermoso接吻而受审。 Former Spanish soccer federation president Luis Rubiales is on trial for allegedly kissing Spanish player Jenni Hermoso without consent after Spain won the 2023 Women's World Cup. Rubiales声称亲吻是自愿的, 但Hermoso否认这一点, 说它“是我一生中最幸福的日子之一。” Rubiales claims the kiss was consensual, but Hermoso denies this, saying it "stained one of the happiest days of my life." Rubiales和其他三位前联邦官员被指控胁迫Hermoso淡化这一事件。 Rubiales and three other former federation officials are accused of coercing Hermoso into downplaying the incident. 预计将在3月作出判决。 A verdict is expected in March.