白俄罗斯的外国投资在2024年下降了10.4%,降至69亿美元,表明自2021年以来呈下降趋势。 Foreign investments in Belarus fell 10.4% in 2024 to $6.9 billion, showing a declining trend since 2021.
在2024年,白俄罗斯实体部门的外国投资下降到69亿美元,比前一年下降10.4%,外国直接投资占52亿美元。 In 2024, foreign investments in Belarus's real sector fell to $6.9 billion, down 10.4% from the previous year, with foreign direct investment accounting for $5.2 billion. 白俄罗斯组织在国外投资49亿美元,其中80.8%为直接投资。 Belarusian organizations invested $4.9 billion abroad, with 80.8% being direct investments. 国家统计委员会的数据表明,自2021年以来外国投资呈下降趋势,不包括银行、金融机构和预算组织的投资。 The data from the National Statistical Committee shows a trend of declining foreign investments since 2021, excluding investments from banks, financial institutions, and budgetary organizations.