哈萨克斯坦在卡塔尔天然气项目领导下, 投资大幅上升88%, 2024年达157亿美元。 Kazakhstan saw a massive 88% jump in investments to $15.7 billion in 2024, led by a Qatar gas project.
哈萨克斯坦在2024年吸引了157亿美元的新投资,比前一年增加88%,占北亚和中亚投资的63%。 Kazakhstan attracted $15.7 billion in new investments in 2024, marking an 88% increase from the previous year and accounting for 63% of investments in North and Central Asia. 资金激增的主要原因是卡塔尔为天然气加工厂和管道基础设施提供了110亿美元。 The surge is largely due to $11 billion from Qatar for gas processing plants and pipeline infrastructure. 尽管如此,亚太区域的外国直接投资总额从1月至9月下降了140亿美元。 Despite this, overall FDI in the Asia-Pacific region fell by $14 billion from January to September. 哈萨克斯坦强劲的投资增长突出了其对国际合作与发展的日益高涨的呼声。 Kazakhstan's robust investment growth highlights its rising appeal for international collaboration and development.