火灾和天花板崩溃袭击了位于萨利纳的纽约州Truway办公大楼,造成严重损坏。 Fire and ceiling collapse hit New York State Thruway Office Building in Salina, causing major damage.
2月11日下午7时45分左右,多处消防部门对纽约州纽约市Truway办公大楼的火灾和天花板倒塌作出反应。 Multiple fire departments responded to a fire and ceiling collapse at the New York State Thruway Office Building in Salina, New York, on February 11 at around 7:45 p.m. 这一事件造成重大的烟雾和结构破坏,消防员努力对大楼进行通风,并保护该地区安全。 The incident caused significant smoke and structural damage, with firefighters working to ventilate the building and secure the area. 该建筑为纽约州公路局和乌蒂卡学院护理附属办公室以及其他企业提供办公室. The building houses offices for the New York State Thruway Authority and the Utica College nursing annex, among other businesses. 有关火灾原因的更多详情尚未提供。 Further details about the cause of the fire are not yet available.