中国将命名即将到来的月球飞行任务“Wangyu”和“Tansuo”, 目标是在2030年之前降落月球。 China names upcoming moon mission spacesuit "Wangyu" and rover "Tansuo," aiming for a lunar landing before 2030.
中国的载人航天局披露了即将到来的月球飞行任务太空服和巡游者的名字:“Wangyu”,意思是“凝视宇宙”,“Tansuo”,意思是“探索未知事物”。 China's Manned Space Agency has revealed the names for its upcoming moon mission spacesuit and rover: "Wangyu," meaning "gazing into the cosmos," and "Tansuo," meaning "to explore the unknown." 这两个名字都是从大约9 000个公众建议中选出的。 Both names were selected from about 9,000 public suggestions. 中国计划在2030年之前将宇航员降落在月球上进行科学探索。 China plans to land astronauts on the moon before 2030 for scientific exploration. 对太空服和越野车的研究进展顺利。 Research on both the spacesuit and rover is progressing well.