中国发射了新的长征-8A火箭,旨在增强中国在空间的卫星能力。 China launches its new Long March-8A rocket, aiming to boost its satellite capabilities in space.
中国的长征8A火箭于2025年2月11日成功从海南省的汶川空间发射场首次飞行发射,携带一组低地球轨道卫星用于因特网星座。 China's Long March-8A rocket successfully launched on its maiden flight on February 11, 2025, from Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan Province, carrying a group of low Earth orbit satellites for an internet constellation. 这次发射是中国计划加强中低地球轨道卫星发射能力的一部分,火箭能够运载最多7吨有效载荷。 This launch is part of China's plan to enhance its satellite launch capabilities for medium and low Earth orbits, with the rocket capable of carrying payloads up to 7 tonnes. 《长征8A》旨在提升中国在太空的存在, 与SpaceX等其他全球参与者竞争。 The Long March-8A aims to boost China's presence in space, competing with other global players like SpaceX.