4月25日《会计二号》首映 重新联合本·阿夫莱克和琼恩·伯恩塔尔 解决谋杀和人口贩运问题 "The Accountant 2" premieres April 25, reuniting Ben Affleck and Jon Bernthal to tackle murder and human trafficking.
Ben Affleck和Jon Bernthal主演《会计二号》 2025年4月25日首映 "The Accountant 2," starring Ben Affleck and Jon Bernthal, premieres April 25, 2025, following a South by Southwest debut. 续集将克里斯蒂安·沃尔夫(Cristian Wolff), 一位数学天才兼杀手, 和他的疏远的兄弟布拉克斯(Brax)重新团聚, 解决一起谋杀案并对抗人口贩运。 The sequel reunites Christian Wolff, a math genius and hitman, and his estranged brother Brax to solve a murder and confront human trafficking. 该影片由Gavin O'Connor导演,旨在加深兄弟们之间的情感联系,同时保持紧张的行动。 Directed by Gavin O'Connor, the film aims to deepen the emotional connection between the brothers while maintaining intense action.