阿贾耶·德乌干 (Ajay Devgn) 将在即将上映的续集《突袭 2》中再次饰演国税局官员阿迈·帕特奈克 (Amay Patnaik) Ajay Devgn is set to reprise his role as IRS Officer Amay Patnaik in the upcoming sequel 'Raid 2'
继第一部电影《突袭》大获成功之后,阿贾耶·德乌干将在即将上映的续集《突袭 2》中再次饰演国税局官员阿迈·帕特奈克。 Ajay Devgn will reprise his role as IRS Officer Amay Patnaik in the upcoming sequel 'Raid 2', following the success of the first film 'Raid'. 这部续集由拉吉·库马尔·古普塔 (Raj Kumar Gupta) 执导,将讲述所得税部门无名英雄书中的真实故事。 The sequel, directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, will tell a true story from the books of the Income Tax Department's unsung heroes. 《突袭 2》定于 2024 年 11 月 15 日上映。 'Raid 2' is set to release on November 15, 2024.