自4月起,联合王国购房者面临更高的印花税,第一次买房者损失最多。 UK home buyers face higher stamp duties starting April, with first-time buyers losing out most.
自2025年4月起,联合王国购房者面临增加的印花税,房产的费率超过125 000英镑。 UK home buyers face increased stamp duty starting April 2025, with rates rising for properties over £125,000. 第一次买主的印花税阈值将从425 000英镑降至300 000英镑,可能增加成本达11 250英镑。 First-time buyers will see their stamp duty threshold drop from £425,000 to £300,000, potentially increasing costs by up to £11,250. 专家建议在截止日期之前完成采购和获得抵押贷款批准,以避免高税收。 Experts advise completing purchases and securing mortgage approvals before the deadline to avoid higher taxes. 许多买家仍然不知道这些变化,这些变化可能影响他们买得起梦想中的家的能力。 Many buyers remain unaware of the changes, which could impact their ability to afford their dream home.