以加利福尼亚州为首的各州就特朗普政府冻结联邦拨款和贷款提起诉讼。 States, led by California, sue over Trump administration's freeze on federal grants and loans.
以加利福尼亚州为首的多个州正计划就冻结联邦拨款和贷款一事起诉特朗普政府。 Multiple states, led by California, are planning to sue the Trump administration over a freeze on federal grants and loans. 这项由白宫下令冻结的措施旨在审查政府支出,并可能影响卫生、教育和救灾的资金。 This freeze, ordered by the White House, aims to review government spending and could impact funding for health, education, and disaster relief. 一名联邦法官暂时阻止了冻结的实施。 A federal judge has temporarily blocked the implementation of the freeze.