俄克拉荷马市的一个加油站发生了刺杀事件;受害者住院,嫌疑人逃跑。 A stabbing occurred at a gas station in Oklahoma City; the victim was hospitalized, and the suspect fled.
俄克拉荷马市N WN 23rd Street和N Western Avenue附近发生了一起刺杀事件,一名黑衣黑人嫌犯在下午5时40分左右在一个加油站刺伤一人。 A stabbing occurred near NW 23rd Street and N Western Avenue in Oklahoma City, where a Black suspect in dark clothes stabbed a person at a gas station around 5:40 p.m. 受害人被带到医院,身体状况不明,嫌疑人徒步逃跑。 The victim was taken to a hospital with an unknown condition, and the suspect fled on foot. 警方正在寻找袭击者。 Police are searching for the attacker.