多伦多Dundas街东区附近被刺伤的男子;警察寻找身着黑衣服的嫌疑人。 Man stabbed near Dundas Street East in Toronto; police seek suspect in dark clothing.
在多伦多Dundas街东区和Pembroke街附近的多伦多发生了一起刺伤事件,一名因严重但无生命危险而住院的男子受伤。 A stabbing occurred in Toronto near Dundas Street East and Pembroke Street, injuring one man who was hospitalized with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. 警方在9点左右回覆, 正在搜寻一名最后一次见到的嫌犯, 身穿黑色大衣、灰色运动裤和黑鞋。 Police responded around 9 PM and are searching for a suspect last seen wearing a black coat, grey sweatpants, and black shoes. 该事件的情况仍在调查之中。 The circumstances of the incident are still under investigation.