科学家利用自主船只创建可自我维持的北极冰监测平台。 Scientists create self-sustaining Arctic ice monitoring platform using autonomous vessels.
来自佛罗里达大西洋大学的科学家设计了一个自主观察平台,以监测北极冰层迅速融化的情况。 Scientists from Florida Atlantic University have designed an autonomous observation platform to monitor the rapid melting of Arctic ice. 该平台使用一个稳定的双壳船,装有太阳能电池板和一个水下涡轮机,用于能源。 The platform uses a stable twin-hull vessel equipped with solar panels and an underwater turbine for energy. 该船充当无人驾驶飞行器收集海冰状况数据的对接站,为北极持续监测和研究提供了一个自我维持的解决方案。 This vessel serves as a docking station for unmanned vehicles to gather data on sea ice conditions, offering a self-sustaining solution for continuous Arctic monitoring and research.