Ryan Dutter, 34岁,因自2024年9月以来 Beaverton多起公共猥亵事件被捕。 Ryan Dutter, 34, arrested for multiple public indecency incidents in Beaverton since September 2024.
一名34岁的Beaverton男子Ryan Dutter于2025年2月7日因自2024年9月以来在Aloha地区发生的公共猥亵事件被捕。 A 34-year-old Beaverton man, Ryan Dutter, was arrested on February 7, 2025, for public indecency incidents in the Aloha area since September 2024. Dutter 与一辆蓝色的 2018 起亚 Rio 有关,他暴露了自己,并在当地企业外进行了猥亵行为。 Dutter, linked to a blue 2018 Kia Rio, exposed himself and performed indecent acts outside local businesses. 他被指控犯有两起公开猥亵罪和持有金属指关节罪。 He was charged with two counts of public indecency and possession of metal knuckles. 当局敦促潜在受害者与华盛顿郡治安官办公室联系。 Authorities urge potential victims to contact the Washington County Sheriff's Office.