巴勒斯坦总统停止向囚犯家属和在袭击以色列人中丧生者的家属支付款项。 Palestinian President ends payments to families of prisoners and those killed in attacks on Israelis.
巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)已终止向囚犯家属和在袭击以色列人期间遇害者家属的付款,此举旨在向美国和以色列示好。 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has ended payments to families of prisoners and those killed during attacks against Israelis, a move aimed at appeasing the US and Israel. 批评者认为这一举动可能会让阿巴斯面临内部压力, 而哈马斯则称其为背叛。 Critics argue the move could expose Abbas to internal pressure, while Hamas has called it a betrayal. 通常被称为“为杀人付费”的这个计划一直备受争议, 美国和以色列声称它鼓励暴力。 The program, often referred to as "pay for slay," has been contentious, with the US and Israel claiming it incentivizes violence. Abbas将该系统转到一个新的经济赋权基金,侧重于财政需要,而不是过去的行动。 Abbas transferred the system to a new economic empowerment fund, focusing on financial need rather than past actions.