OSBI寻求关于2017年Gregory Scott Loving死亡的资料,他在汽车中被发现被烧伤。 OSBI seeks information on the 2017 death of Gregory Scott Loving, found burned in his car.
俄克拉荷马州调查局(OSBI)正在寻找关于2017年Gregory Scott Loving可疑死亡的资料。 Gregory Scott Loving被发现在其Mayes县财产上的汽车中被烧死。 The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) is seeking information on the 2017 suspicious death of Gregory Scott Loving, who was found burned in his car on his Mayes County property. 爱在消失之前 最后一次被看见去拜访邻居 Loving was last seen visiting a neighbor before disappearing. 审计和调查处仍然相信,这一案件将得到解决。 The OSBI remains confident the case will be solved. 家庭成员敦促提供更多信息,并鼓励公众通过tips@osbi.ok.gov或拨打1-800-522-8017,与该机构联系。 Family members are urging for more information, and the public is encouraged to contact the OSBI at tips@osbi.ok.gov or call 1-800-522-8017.