36 岁的 Camoran M. Shoptese 来自堪萨斯州蓝急流城,自 7 月 4 日起失踪,怀疑是谋杀;KBI 和马歇尔县警长办公室正在调查,2008 年 36-year-old Camoran M. Shoptese from Blue Rapids, Kansas, missing since July 4, with foul play suspected; KBI and Marshall County Sheriff's Office investigating, 2008
来自堪萨斯州蓝急流城的 36 岁 Camoran M. Shoptese 自 7 月 4 日起失踪,当局怀疑他的失踪是一起谋杀案。 36-year-old Camoran M. Shoptese from Blue Rapids, Kansas, has been reported missing since July 4, and authorities suspect foul play in his disappearance. 堪萨斯州调查局 (KBI) 和马歇尔县警长办公室正在调查此案,一辆 2008 款黑色雪佛兰科罗拉多可能与此案有关。 The Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and the Marshall County Sheriff's Office are investigating, with a 2008 black Chevy Colorado potentially associated with the case. 要求农村业主报告他们在自己的土地上发现的任何可疑活动,任何了解信息的人都可以拨打 1-800-KS-CRIME 联系 KBI。 Rural property owners are asked to report any suspicious activity they notice on their land, and anyone with information can contact the KBI at 1-800-KS-CRIME.