MP Priyanka Gandhi Vandra访问Wayanad, 因为人类与动物的冲突夺去了另一条生命。 MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visits Wayanad as man-animal conflict claims another life.
Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra访问了她的选区,与受人与动物冲突影响的家庭会面。 Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra visited her constituency, meeting families affected by man-animal conflicts. 数小时后,一名45岁男子被一只野生大象杀死,这标志着过去十年中第9次这样的死亡。 Hours later, a 45-year-old man was killed by a wild elephant, marking the ninth such death in the past decade. 当地人要求保护野生生物,包括围栏或战壕,因为与稠密森林接壤的地区经常发生野生动物入侵。 Locals demand protection against wildlife, including fences or trenches, as the area, bordering dense forests, sees frequent wild animal incursions. 甘地已承诺在议会讨论这个问题。 Gandhi has promised to address the issue in Parliament.