密歇根州拨款1 000万美元,以促进FAFSA的完成,目的是增加高中高年级学生上大学的机会。 Michigan allocates $10M to boost FAFSA completion, aiming to increase college access for high school seniors.
密歇根州已经向75个学区拨款1 000万美元,以提高高中高年级学生的FAFSA结业率,目的是提高大学入学率和获得财政援助的机会。 Michigan has allocated $10 million to 75 school districts to boost FAFSA completion rates among high school seniors, aiming to increase college enrollment and access to financial aid. 全球FAFSA挑战,由州终身教育,进步和潜力部领导,将FAFSA完成整合到毕业要求中,同时提供选择退出选项. The Universal FAFSA Challenge, led by the state's Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, integrates FAFSA completion into graduation requirements while offering opt-out options. 该倡议旨在帮助学生获得更多奖学金和高等教育及培训贷款。 The initiative seeks to help students access more scholarships and loans for higher education and training.