法官对特朗普的联邦土地买断计划维持临时封锁,等待进一步审查。 Judge maintains temporary block on Trump's federal land buyout plan, pending further review.
一位法官决定维持对前总统特朗普联邦买断计划的临时封锁,以待进一步审查。 A judge has decided to keep a temporary block on former President Trump's federal buyout plan in place, pending further review. 这项裁决意味着旨在从土地所有者那里购买财产的有争议的提议仍然被搁置。 The ruling means the controversial proposal, which aims to buy properties from landowners, remains on hold. 法官尚未对计划的未来作出最后决定。 The judge has not yet made a final decision on the plan's future.