Huntsville警察寻求公众帮助,查明家庭电力站工具盗窃案的嫌疑人。 Huntsville police seek public help to identify suspects in Home Depot power tool thefts.
Huntsville警察局正在要求公众帮助查明2月4日和5日从家居商店窃取电力工具的嫌疑犯。 The Huntsville Police Department is asking the public to help identify suspects who stole power tools from Home Depot stores on February 4th and 5th. 这起盗窃案发生在纪念公园大道上两个不同的家庭仓库地点,导致价值超过600美元的电力工具被盗。 The thefts, occurring at two different Home Depot locations on Memorial Parkway, resulted in power tools worth over $600 being stolen. 任何有情报的人都会被敦促联系警方。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the police.