两人在纽卡斯尔因窃取的电力工具和一辆Toyota Hilux而被捕;一人被控毒品和火器。 Two men arrested in Newcastle over stolen power tools and aToyota Hilux; one charged with drugs, firearms.
Newcastle警方逮捕了两名男子,罪名是涉及一辆装有电力工具的丰田豪华汽车的盗窃案。 Police in Newcastle have arrested two men in connection with a theft involving a Toyota Hilux containing power tools. 发现该车辆在没有工具的情况下被遗弃。 The vehicle was found abandoned without the tools. 在一个突袭的地址,警察没收了被盗工具、胶胶喷雾器和甲基苯丙胺。 At a raided address, police seized stolen tools, a gel blaster, and methamphetamine. 一名35岁的男子因盗窃物品罪被捕,一名36岁的男子被指控犯有毒品和火器罪,两人均在严格条件下获释。 A 35-year-old man was arrested for stolen goods offenses, while a 36-year-old was charged with drug and firearm offenses, both released on strict conditions.