嫌犯Gerald Johnson在汽车追逐后被抓获,打伤一名妇女并逃离警方。 Suspect Gerald Johnson captured after car chase, injuring a woman and fleeing from police.
27岁的Jerome Johnson Jr.在逃离警察后被抓获,当时他驾驶一辆偷来的汽车,在蒙哥马利的一条人行道上重伤一名58岁的妇女。 Gerald Jerome Johnson Jr., 27, was captured after he fled from police, driving a stolen car and critically injuring a 58-year-old woman on a sidewalk in Montgomery. Johnson丢弃了偷来的手枪 徒步逃跑了 Johnson discarded a stolen handgun and fled on foot. 他面临包括袭击和逃避警察在内的指控。 He faces charges including assault and eluding police. 受伤的妇女仍处于危急状态。 The injured woman remains in critical condition. 多个执法机构参与了搜捕活动。 Multiple law enforcement agencies were involved in the manhunt.