Ellen Leyva是洛杉矶KABC7的29年老手, 她宣布退休成为新闻主播。 Ellen Leyva, a 29-year veteran of KABC7 in Los Angeles, announced her retirement as a news anchor.
Ellen Leyva, 洛杉矶KABC7的一位心爱的新闻主播, 宣布她在29年职业生涯后退休。 Ellen Leyva, a beloved news anchor at KABC7 in Los Angeles, announced her retirement after a 29-year career. Leyva以在《目击证人新闻》上的工作和包括健康报告在内的各种角色著称,在退休前,她将在广播上多待几个月。 Leyva, known for her work on the Eyewitness News and various roles including health reporting, will stay on air for a few more months before retiring. 在她离家近30年的全心全意服务和对社区和电台的重大贡献之后,她才离开。 Her departure follows nearly three decades of dedicated service and significant contributions to the community and station.