Murfreesboro的警探调查了近40辆汽车在酒店和公寓楼的闯入事件。 Detectives in Murfreesboro investigate nearly 40 vehicle break-ins at hotels and an apartment complex.
2月9日,田纳西州Murfreesboro的警探正在调查近40起汽车闯入旅馆和公寓楼的事件。 Detectives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, are investigating nearly 40 vehicle break-ins at hotels and an apartment complex on February 9. 个人物品和五件火器以及两辆后来被发现残骸的车辆被盗。 Personal items and five firearms were stolen, along with two vehicles which were later found wrecked. 监控录像记录了三名身穿黑衣的嫌疑人。 Surveillance footage captured three suspects in dark clothing. 穆尔弗勒斯博罗警察局加强了巡逻,建议居民锁上车辆,把贵重物品挡在视线之外。 The Murfreesboro Police Department has increased patrols and advised residents to lock vehicles and keep valuables out of sight.