一辆汽车在威尔士医院的停车场撞上了 Rob Hall 的女儿 Mabli,导致她死亡;司机被判处四年徒刑。 A car struck Rob Hall's daughter, Mabli, in a Welsh hospital car park, killing her; driver sentenced to four years.
Rob Hall 在威尔士 Haverfordwest 的一家医院停车场发生悲惨的车祸,失去了他八个月大的女儿 Mabli,当时他正在探望垂死的母亲。 Rob Hall lost his eight-month-old daughter, Mabli, in a tragic car accident in a hospital car park in Haverfordwest, Wales, while visiting his dying mother. 一辆汽车撞上了 Rob、他的兄弟和 Mabli 的婴儿车,导致她受重伤。 A car struck Rob, his brother, and Mabli's pram, critically injuring her. Mabli 被空运到卡迪夫的一家医院,后来又被送到布里斯托尔。 Mabli was airlifted to a hospital in Cardiff, and later to Bristol. 司机是一名 71 岁的女性,承认危险驾驶致人死亡,被判处四年监禁。 The driver, a 71-year-old woman, pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving and was sentenced to four years in prison. 家人都哀悼 Mabli 和 Rob 的母亲,他们在这段时间去世了。 The family mourns both Mabli and Rob's mother, who passed away during this time.