Rob Hall八个月大的女儿Mabli在威尔士的一家医院发生车祸后死亡。 Rob Hall's eight-month-old daughter, Mabli, dies after a car accident at a hospital in Wales.
Rob Hall哀悼他八个月大的女儿Mabli在威尔士哈维尔福德西部Wisherford Wishybush医院车祸中丧生, Rob Hall mourns the tragic loss of his eight-month-old daughter, Mabli, after she was killed in a car accident at Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest, Wales. 事件发生时,Rob正与Mabli一起在一块石板上行走,当时他正在探望身患运动神经元疾病的临死母亲。 The incident occurred as Rob was walking with Mabli in a pram, while visiting his dying mother with motor neurone disease. 一辆汽车击中了Rob、他的兄弟和Mabli的婴儿床,造成重伤。 A car struck Rob, his brother, and Mabli's pram, causing severe injuries. Mabli被空运到卡迪夫的一家医院,后来又被空运到布里斯托尔,但是她去世了。 Mabli was airlifted to a hospital in Cardiff and later to Bristol, but she passed away. 司机Bridget Curtis对危险驾驶认罪,并被判处4年监禁。 The driver, Bridget Curtis, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was sentenced to four years in prison.