由于业务变化,BT终止了为期25年的爱尔兰青年科学家和技术展览赞助活动。 BT ends 25-year sponsorship of Irish Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition due to business changes.
爱尔兰长期主办青年科学家和技术展览会的BT公司,由于业务战略的变化和最近的撤资,在25年后将退出。 BT, a longtime sponsor of the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition in Ireland, will step down after 25 years due to changes in its business strategy and recent divestments. 该活动展示了学生在科学和技术方面的项目,将继续下去,但正在为即将到来的2026年版寻求一个新的赞助者。 The event, which showcases student projects in science and technology, will continue but is seeking a new sponsor for the upcoming 2026 edition. BT将与组织者合作,确保平稳过渡。 BT will work with organizers to ensure a smooth transition.