爱尔兰学生在BT青年科学家博览会上获得奖项, Irish students won awards at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition, with top honors for an emergency healthcare app.
来自爱尔兰各学校的学生在BT青年科学家展览会上获得了奖项。 Students from various Irish schools won awards at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. 值得注意的获奖者包括Kilkenny学校,负责道路安全和负担得起的假肢项目,以及来自Kerry县的3名姐妹,她们因帮助紧急医疗的应用程序而获得最高荣誉。 Notable winners include Kilkenny schools for projects on road safety and affordable prosthetics, and three sisters from County Kerry who took top honors for an app aiding emergency healthcare. 盖尔威学校获得了八项奖项,其中陈述学院赫德福德获得了四项. Galway schools secured eight awards, with Presentation College Headford winning four. 该活动在爱尔兰BT下庆祝其第25年,突出显示STEM教育的卓越成绩。 The event, celebrating its 25th year under BT Ireland, highlights excellence in STEM education.