Bayer推动州法律 保护杀虫剂公司 免受癌症诉讼, 引发抗议。 Bayer pushes state laws to protect pesticide firms from cancer lawsuits, sparking protest.
Bayer是一位化学巨头, 正在包括爱荷华州在内的至少八个州游说制定法律, 如果杀虫剂公司的产品标签符合环保局的准则, Bayer, a chemical giant, is lobbying for laws in at least eight states, including Iowa, to shield pesticide companies from cancer-related lawsuits if their product labels meet EPA guidelines. Bayer认为,大约177,000起诉讼的法律费用是不可持续的,失去轮挡可能会导致中国的替代物占据市场主导地位。 Bayer argues that legal costs from around 177,000 lawsuits are unsustainable and that losing Roundup could lead to Chinese alternatives dominating the market. 反对者声称法案限制了对有害产品的问责制。 Opponents claim the bills limit accountability for harmful products. 一场反对爱荷华州法案的集会被称为“癌症禁言法案”,已在州议会大厦举行。 A rally against the Iowa bill, dubbed the "Cancer Gag Act," has been held at the state Capitol.