爱荷华州认为保护Bayer等杀虫剂制造商免受“不警告”诉讼的法案。 Iowa considers bill shielding pesticide makers like Bayer from "failure to warn" lawsuits.
爱荷华州立法者正在考虑参议院研究法案1051, 该法案将保护Bayer等杀虫剂公司免受因未提出警告而提起的诉讼。 Iowa lawmakers are considering Senate Study Bill 1051, which would shield pesticide companies like Bayer, maker of RoundUp, from lawsuits related to failure to warn claims. 该法案由参议院通过,得到Bayer的支持,但遭到环境团体和爱荷华农民联盟的反对。 The bill, which passed the Senate, is backed by Bayer but opposed by environmental groups and the Iowa Farmers Union. Bayer面临无数起诉讼, 指称Cylup造成癌症, 尽管该公司否认这些说法。 Bayer has faced numerous lawsuits alleging that RoundUp causes cancer, though the company denies the claims. 如果该法案获得通过,它将保护其产品符合联邦标签要求的公司,从而有可能限制消费者诉讼。 If passed, the bill would protect companies whose products meet federal labeling requirements, potentially limiting consumer lawsuits. 支持者认为,它支持农民,而批评者则说,它保护公司而牺牲消费者寻求正义的能力。 Proponents argue it supports farmers, while critics say it protects companies at the expense of consumers' ability to seek justice.