要求调查新西兰卫生局信息技术人员裁员案, 指出病人的安全和隐私有风险。 Union demands investigation into Health NZ's IT staff cuts, citing risks to patient safety and privacy.
公共服务协会(PSA)呼吁调查新西兰卫生部削减近一半信息技术工作人员的计划, The Public Service Association (PSA) is calling for an investigation into Health NZ's plan to cut nearly half of its IT staff, arguing the cuts could jeopardize patient privacy and safety. 新西兰卫生局的目标是通过减少数据和数字局47%的职能来节省1亿美元,但公共服务局警告说,这可能导致信息技术中断和病人数据的风险。 Health NZ aims to save $100 million by reducing 47% of roles in the Data and Digital Directorate, but the PSA warns this could lead to IT outages and risks to patient data. 工会认为政府应该对信息技术升级进行投资。 The union argues the government should be investing in IT upgrades instead.