英国提议将国会议员的薪资提高2.8%至93,904英镑, UK proposes a 2.8% pay raise for MPs to £93,904, sparking debate amid cost-of-living crisis.
联合王国独立议会标准管理局建议议员加薪2.8%, 将其年薪增至93 904英镑。 The UK's Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) proposes a 2.8% pay rise for MPs, increasing their annual salary to £93,904. 这一增长与政府关于扩大公共部门工资增长的建议相一致,但在生活费危机中却面临批评。 This increase aligns with government recommendations for a broader public sector wage rise but faces criticism amid the cost-of-living crisis. 该提案经协商后,旨在反映议员的作用和当前的经济条件。 The proposal, subject to consultation, aims to reflect the MPs' role and current economic conditions.