卡车在Hooper路的中线交叉,翻翻多次;司机处于危急状态。 Truck crosses center line on Hooper Road, flips multiple times; driver in critical condition.
星期一清晨在路易斯安那州中部胡珀路发生严重事故, 一辆卡车越过中线, 离开公路, 撞上一个阴道, 翻了好几次。 A serious accident occurred early Monday morning on Hooper Road in Central, Louisiana, where a truck crossed the center line, left the road, hit a culvert, and flipped multiple times. 司机伤势严重,被取走并送往医院。 The driver, who was in critical condition, was extracted and taken to the hospital. 这条路因东巴吞鲁日警长死亡部门的调查而关闭,但后来重新开放。 The road was closed for investigation by the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Fatality Division but was later reopened. 关于司机状况和身份的详细资料尚待确定。 Details on the driver's condition and identity are pending.