Star Entertainment Group 面临洗钱和误导性报告的指控,并同意处以 $150M 的罚款。 Star Entertainment Group faces allegations of money laundering and misleading reports, with $150M penalty agreed.
星娱乐集团被指控无视悉尼、布里斯班和黄金海岸赌场的非法现金流动和潜在的洗钱活动,这些赌场与与犯罪辛迪加有关的杂货店经营者有联系。 The Star Entertainment Group is accused of ignoring illicit cash flows and potential money laundering in its Sydney, Brisbane, and Gold Coast casinos, linked to junket operators associated with crime syndicates. 包括CEO Matthias Bekier在内的前执行官据称未能妥善管理这些风险,并向银行提供误导信息。 Former executives, including CEO Matthias Bekier, are alleged to have failed to manage these risks properly and provided misleading information to a bank. ASIC寻求惩罚和禁止被告,该公司已同意支付1.5亿美元,以惩罚违反反洗钱法的行为。 ASIC seeks penalties and bans for those accused, with the company already agreeing to pay $150 million in penalties for anti-money laundering law breaches.