索尼利夫(SonyLIV)的新系列《一个国家的醒来》戏剧化了印度1919年贾利安瓦拉巴格大屠杀, SonyLIV's new series "The Waking of a Nation" dramatizes India's 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, premiering March 7.
索尼利夫(SonyLIV)将在3月7日发表关于1919年Jallianwala Bagh屠杀事件的历史故事《一个国家的醒来》。 SonyLIV will release "The Waking of a Nation," a historical drama about the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, on March 7. 由Ram Madhvani导演,六集系列明星Taaruk Raina担任律师Kantilal Sahni和Nikita Dutta, 探索殖民时代的不公正和印度争取独立的斗争。 Directed by Ram Madhvani, the six-episode series stars Taaruk Raina as lawyer Kantilal Sahni and Nikita Dutta, exploring colonial-era injustices and India's fight for independence. 预告片提供了令人激动的法庭场景和历史悲剧. The teaser, released today, offers a glimpse into the intense courtroom scenes and the historical tragedy.