坎加纳·拉瑙特在孟买发布了泰卢固语电影《拉扎卡:海得拉巴无声的种族灭绝》预告片,突出了该市延迟独立期间公民的斗争。 Kangana Ranaut launched the trailer of Telugu film "Razakar: The Silent Genocide of Hyderabad" in Mumbai, highlighting citizens' struggles during the city's delayed independence.
宝莱坞演员坎加纳·拉瑙特 (Kangana Ranaut) 在孟买的一次活动中揭晓了以 1947 年为背景的泰卢固语电影《拉扎卡:海得拉巴无声的种族灭绝》的预告片。 Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut unveiled the trailer of "Razakar: The Silent Genocide of Hyderabad", a Telugu film set in 1947, during an event in Mumbai. 这部电影由亚塔·萨蒂亚纳拉亚纳 (Yaata Satyanarayana) 执导,突出了海得拉巴人民在该地区延迟独立期间所面临的斗争,并展示了尼扎姆 (Nizam) 和拉扎卡尔 (Razakars) 所施加的压迫。 The movie, directed by Yaata Satyanarayana, highlights the struggles faced by Hyderabad's population during the region's delayed independence and shows the oppression inflicted by the Nizam and the Razakars. 该电影定于3月1日上映。 The movie is set to release on March 1.