SNP MSP Audrey Nicoll的辞职为Stephen Flynn可能加入苏格兰议会铺平了道路。 SNP MSP Audrey Nicoll's resignation paves way for Stephen Flynn to potentially join Scottish Parliament.
SNP MSP Audrey Nicoll将在2026年的圣杯选举中从阿伯丁南部和北金卡丁的席位上下台。 SNP MSP Audrey Nicoll will step down from her Aberdeen South and North Kincardine seat in the 2026 Holyrood elections. 这一举动为SNP威斯敏斯特领导人斯蒂芬·弗林的潜在竞选道路. This move clears the path for SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn to potentially run for the seat. Flynn以前曾因想要在MP和MSP两方面都发挥作用而面临批评。 Flynn had previously faced criticism for wanting both the MP and MSP roles. 尼科尔的离开被视为Flynn进入苏格兰议会的一个步骤,并可能成为未来的新进步党领导人。 Nicoll’s departure is seen as a step towards Flynn’s entry into the Scottish Parliament and possibly as a future SNP leader. 首席部长约翰·斯温尼 (John Swinney) 感谢尼科尔的服务。 First Minister John Swinney thanked Nicoll for her service.