费用不断上涨迫使五分之一的澳大利亚人 跳过基本药物,药剂师报告。 Rising costs force one in five Australians to skip essential medications, pharmacists report.
据社区药剂师说,由于生活费用不断上涨,澳大利亚人难以购买基本药品。 Australians are facing difficulties affording essential medications due to rising living costs, according to community pharmacists. 经过深思熟虑的研究发现,在过去三年里,五分之一的澳大利亚人买不起处方药,年轻人、地区居民和慢性病患者受影响最大。 A study by Insightfully found that one in five Australians couldn't afford prescription medication in the past three years, with young adults, regional residents, and those with chronic illnesses most affected. 药剂师敦促政府减少31.60美元的药品福利计划共同付款,以减轻生活费用压力,确保病人能够将健康作为优先事项。 Pharmacists urge the government to reduce the $31.60 Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment to alleviate cost-of-living pressures and ensure patients can prioritize their health.