新西兰3G网络到2025年底关闭, 迫使用户升级至4G和5G。 New Zealand's 3G network shutdown by year-end 2025 pushes users to upgrade to 4G and 5G.
新西兰的3G网络将在2025年底关闭,影响到数十万个仍在使用的装置。 New Zealand's 3G network will shut down by the end of 2025, affecting hundreds of thousands of devices still in use. 向4G和5G网络的这一过渡将提供更快的互联网、更好的呼叫质量以及更好的视频流。 This transition to 4G and 5G networks will offer faster internet, better call quality, and improved video streaming. 专家们警告说,其影响大于预期,并敦促用户更新其设备。 Experts warn of a larger impact than expected and urge users to upgrade their devices. 该开关还将释放无线电频谱,加强服务,特别是在农村地区。 The switch will also free up radio spectrum, enhancing services, particularly in rural areas.