亚太移动宽带市场在5G扩张的推动下,到2029年将增长至296.2B美元。 Asia-Pacific's mobile broadband market to grow to $296.2B by 2029, fueled by 5G expansion.
亚太移动宽带市场预计到2029年将增长到2 962亿美元,高于2024年的2 296亿美元,由扩大5G服务所驱动。 The Asia-Pacific mobile broadband market is forecast to grow to $296.2 billion by 2029, up from $229.6 billion in 2024, driven by expanding 5G services. 由于政府支持和负担得起的助听器的增加,新兴市场的增长较快,而发达市场则由于饱和而增长较慢。 Growth is faster in emerging markets due to increased government support and affordable handsets, while developed markets show slower growth due to saturation. 预计到2029年台湾将有94.6%的5G用户,是这一扩张的关键市场。 Taiwan, expected to have 94.6% of its users on 5G by 2029, is a key market in this expansion.