NASA 为火星任务监测宇航员的健康状况,解决肌肉流失和压力等风险。 NASA monitors astronaut health for Mars mission, addressing risks like muscle loss and stress.
NASA 正在密切监测准备火星任务的宇航员的健康状况,重点关注太空旅行对人类健康构成的独特挑战。 NASA is closely monitoring the health of astronauts preparing for a Mars mission, focusing on the unique challenges space travel poses to human health. 长时间的太空任务会导致肌肉萎缩、骨密度下降和心理压力等问题。 Long-duration space missions can lead to issues like muscle atrophy, bone density loss, and psychological stress. 科学家们正在努力寻找解决方案来减轻这些风险,以确保宇航员在前往火星的旅程中保持健康。 Scientists are working on solutions to mitigate these risks to ensure astronauts' well-being during the journey to Mars.