研究发现,宇航员的大脑处理速度和记忆速度暂时缓慢,但空间后任务保持稳定。 Study finds astronauts' brain processing speed and memory temporarily slow but remain stable post-space mission.
对在国际空间站工作六个月的25名宇航员进行的一项研究发现,虽然其处理速度和工作记忆减缓,但认知障碍或神经退化没有显著下降。 A study of 25 astronauts spending six months on the International Space Station found that while their processing speed and working memory slowed down, there was no significant cognitive impairment or neurodegenerative decline. 认知变化是暂时性的,记忆保持稳定。 The cognitive changes were temporary, and memory remained stable. 这项研究有助于了解空间旅行对大脑的影响,对于规划未来的火星飞行任务至关重要。 This research helps understand the impacts of space travel on the brain and is crucial for planning future Mars missions.