男子因“中奖”自动取款机而被从纽约引渡到南卡罗来纳州,偷走了近 100,000 美元。 Man extradited from NY to SC for "jackpotting" an ATM, stealing nearly $100,000.
纽约人Freddy Hernandez-Gallo, 已被引渡到南卡罗来纳州, 罪名是“劫持”自动取款机, A New York man, Freddy Hernandez-Gallo, has been extradited to South Carolina on charges of "jackpotting" an ATM, which involves electronic manipulation to steal nearly $100,000 from a Florence bank in October 2024. Hernandez-Gallo通过监控录像查明面临多项指控,包括入室盗窃、大盗窃和计算机犯罪,保证金为185 000美元。 Identified through surveillance footage, Hernandez-Gallo faces multiple charges, including burglary, grand larceny, and computer crime, with a bond set at $185,000. 他仍处于羁押之中,正在接受联邦机构的调查。 He remains in custody and is under investigation by federal agencies.