印度安全部队在恰蒂斯加尔邦的乌代布尔基兰与纳萨尔派叛军发生了一次重大冲突。 Indian security forces clashed with Naxalite rebels in Udaipur Kiran, Chhattisgarh, in a significant encounter.
在印度恰蒂斯加尔邦,安全部队与激进的共产主义组织纳萨尔派发生冲突。 In Chhattisgarh, India, security forces engaged in a conflict with Naxalites, a militant communist group. 这次遭遇发生在乌代布尔基兰,该地区被称为纳萨尔大本营。 The encounter took place in Udaipur Kiran, a region known as a Naxal stronghold. 没有具体的伤亡报告,但该事件凸显了印度安全部队与该地区纳萨尔叛军之间持续的紧张关系。 No specific casualties were reported, but the incident highlights the ongoing tensions between Indian security forces and Naxal rebels in the area.