三名纳萨尔叛乱分子在恰蒂斯加尔与印度安全部队的枪战中丧生。 Three Naxal rebels killed in a gunfight with Indian security forces in Chhattisgarh.
在印度Chhattisgarh, 1月9日,三名Naxal反叛分子在Sukma区与安全部队的枪战中丧生。 In Chhattisgarh, India, three Naxal rebels were killed in a gunfight with security forces in the Sukma district on January 9th. 冲突发生在Bijapur区边境一带的森林地区。 The clash occurred in a forest area along the border with Bijapur district. 8名警察和1名司机于1月6日在Bijapur被Naxal触发的简易爆炸装置炸死。 This comes after eight policemen and a driver were killed by a Naxal-triggered IED in Bijapur on January 6th. 参与的安全部队包括地区后备警卫队、特别工作队和CRPF的COBRA部队。 Security forces involved included the District Reserve Guard, Special Task Force, and the CRPF's CoBRA unit. 这项行动正在进行中,政府的目标是到2026年结束纳xalism。 The operation is ongoing, with the government aiming to end Naxalism by 2026.